[10 di …] – Una gita al lago

Ecco delle splendide foto da cui trarre i spirazione la prossima volta che farete una gita al lago.


Road to no Regret by Philippe Sainte-Laudy (naturephotographie) on 500px.com

Road to no Regret by Philippe Sainte-Laudy

Milky Way over Jackson Lake by Royce's NightScapes (nightscape) on 500px.com
Milky Way over Jackson Lake by Royce’s NightScapes

Lake Abraham in Winter by Long Nguyen (longhnphoto) on 500px.com
Lake Abraham in Winter by Long Nguyen

Ancient Portal by Nagesh Mahadev (nageshm) on 500px.com
Ancient Portal by Nagesh Mahadev

Dolomites - Mirrorlake II by Kilian Schönberger (kilianschoenberger) on 500px.com
Dolomites – Mirrorlake II by Kilian Schönberger

Cold Moments by Philippe Sainte-Laudy (naturephotographie) on 500px.com
Cold Moments by Philippe Sainte-Laudy

Return to the Origins by Xavier Jamonet (XavierJamonet) on 500px.com
Return to the Origins by Xavier Jamonet

☼ light of hope ☼ by Ayie Permata Sari (ayie) on 500px.com
☼ light of hope ☼ by Ayie Permata Sari

Silver by Brad Orr (bradorr) on 500px.com
Silver by Brad Orr

Rusky Mist (2) by Karl Williams (shuggie) on 500px.com
Rusky Mist (2) by Karl Williams

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