[10 di …] – Tutti al mare …

L’estate è arrivata … ma qui continua a piovere. Allora per il “10 di…” di questa settimana ho scelto delle immagini legate al mare. E che vi siano di ispirazione per i vostri scatti estivi.

WAVE by Suradej Chuephanich (SuradejChuephanich)) on 500px.com WAVE by Suradej Chuephanich
My playground by Carlos M. Almagro  (titoalo)) on 500px.com My playground by Carlos M. Almagro
kid by the sea by Ian Taylor (koknia)) on 500px.com kid by the sea by Ian Taylor
I own the sky by David Fernández Rodríguez (dabytes)) on 500px.com I own the sky by David Fernández Rodríguez
FreePlay by Hengki Koentjoro (hengki24)) on 500px.com FreePlay by Hengki Koentjoro
On the wings of the storm by Andrey Narchuk (narchuk)) on 500px.com On the wings of the storm by Andrey Narchuk
birds by António Leão (Antonio_Leao)) on 500px.com birds by António Leão
here's to the crazy ones by Dragan Todorović (dragantodorovic)) on 500px.com here’s to the crazy ones by Dragan Todorović
Sea Power by Stephen  Scullion (Surfpi)) on 500px.com Sea Power by Stephen Scullion

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